

We only use  high quality free range meat from reputable and registered sources, certified fit for human consumption. Our vegetables, fruit and supplements come from the same shops where we buy supplies for ourselves – including health shops and organic outlets.

We do not include any grains, fillers, bulkers or other nasties.

Dog Meals

70% Meat

Our Chicken meals contain fillet & thigh trimmings, meaty carcasses, wings, necks, liver & feet. The meat portion of our BeefOstrich & Venison meals contain fillet trimmings, organ & muscle meat, and bone crunch* (maximum 10%). Our Potluck meals contain chicken wings & feet, beef fillet trimmings, ostrich organ meat and venison muscle meat.

* No bone crunch is included in the Beef Dog meals.

30% Fermented vegetables and fruit

The green matter carnivores naturally ingest are pre-digested by their prey. With short GI tracts (to prevent unfriendly bacteria settlement), food passes through their systems quickly. Fermented vegetable matter makes the nutrients inside the food more bio-available and allows for truly optimum nutrient absorption. We therefore ferment the freshly chopped vegetables & fruit before adding it to the Raw Love dog meals.

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Cat Meals

100% Meat

We only produce 100% meat cat meals – no veg, no fruit no grains. We also add probiotic-rich kefir to our cat meals to achieve the same balanced micro-environment that the introduction of fermented veg brings to our dog meals.

Our Chicken Cat meals contain fillet & thigh trimmings, meaty carcasses, wings, necks & liver. The Duck Cat meals contain fillet & thigh trimmings, necks, feet, gizzards, liver and meaty carcasses. Our Ostrich Cat meals contain hearts, fillet trimmings, gizzards, liver and lungs.

* No bone crunch is included in the Ostrich Cat.